Why Was My Ad Rejected Mobile

How to Resolve a Rejected Ad Mobile
    BisManOnline's procedures requires that we issue you a notification as to why your ad was rejected. This notification goes to your messages inbox in your member center on BisManOnline.com and will contain the instructions on how to fix your ad. Typically, ads are rejected for failure to comply with our commercial ad or pet fee policy. To check the message please follow the steps on how to check your messages.

    If your ad has been rejected, review the steps below to resolve the issue and get your ad approved.
      1.) First, you will want to login to your account if you haven't already done so. If your ad has been rejected, you will have a notification showing on the top right hand corner of your screen next to the Member Center button. Click this and you'll be taken to your member center. Once in here click on "You Have Notifications".

      2.) This will bring you to the notifications center, click on the rejected ad notification and then on the next screen click on the rejected ad.


      3.)  After clicking the rejected ad, you will have the option of clicking the "Fix" button or deleting the ad.

      If you clicked on the "Fix" button you'll be given the option to "Modify your Ad" which will redirect you to the edit ad page which you'll be able to fix your ad.